How to work productively at home with children?

How to work productively at home with children?
Work from home with children. How to work productively at home with children?
An example of a daily routine for working at home with children
Deal with whims, crying, and arguing
11 activities for babies to do at home (0-12 months)
It’s not easy to combine telecommuting with young children: you may be wondering how to keep them busy whil you try to stay productive. But if it’s difficult, it’s not impossible! Recognize that you are not solo and that many young parents are in the same boat.
For example, you can decide to create a semblance of a daily schedule to help structure your day or plan activities for your children a few days in advance so that you have time to prepare them well. Also, if your children are under three years old, likely, you will only be able to work in a fragmented way, and you will have to try to prioritize accordingly.
we have prepared several tips for you!
To help you during this hectic time, we have prepared several tips for you! We are all different: some of these tips will speak to you, others less. Pick no matter what you think is most suitable for your family and be indulgent with yourself if all doesn’t go as planned! Courage, it will be fine!
How to work productively at home with children?
Here are some tips to help you be successful at working well with children under the age of 3 around you:
“Sleep when the baby sleeps” becomes “Work when the baby sleeps.” Do your children close their eyes? That is the perfect time for you to move forward on urgent matters. If your kid’s nap at more or less regular schedules, take the opportunity to plan an important meeting or kick off a project. If your job gives you some flexibility, you can also choose to work in the morning before they are awake or in the evening after putting them to bed.
Alternate with your other half.
Does your partner also work at home?
Agree in advance who looks after the children or feeds them. For example, you can work in the morning and switch roles in the afternoon. You can also schedule a time in the morning to go through your respective schedules for the day and see who will preferably take care of the children at what time. Such, of course, requires a little flexibility. If one of you is stuck in a meeting, there is no need to hug a crying child on the pretext that it’s your turn.
Establish a daily or weekly schedule.
Make a schedule to know when you can work and when you need to make time for your child and your partner. Above all, don’t plan too much. You would be frustrated if you didn’t get to the end of what you planned or if you still had too much to do. On the other hand, having a schedule will help you stay focused on the critical points.
Work while you are breastfeeding or expressing your milk. If you are expressing your milk, consider using a pump that frees your hands – this will allow you to continue with your job or phone call. If you are breastfeeding, you can also continue calling or reading essential documents while your baby is breastfeeding.
Dress like you’re going to work.
It can be tough to handle “in the office” when working from home, which can hamper your productivity. You can consider dressing in the morning as if you were going to work and changing in the evening for a more casual outfit. That can help you divide the day between a “pro” part and a “relaxation” part. On the other hand, you can feel much more comfortable in a tracksuit.
Prepare a “game box.
” Prepare a box with toys, colored pencils, puzzles. When your children come to pull your sleeve, you can send them to the container for games. They should be wise for a little while! However, keep in mind that if your kids are awake, they can interrupt you at any time, so save longer or more essential chores for naps or early/late in the day.
Put your weekends to good use. Take advantage of the weekend to prepare your breakfast for the rest of the week. You will save time during the week. We can use the time freed up at noon to play with your little one or cuddle before returning to work. That can also take advantage of the weekend to find ideas for children’s activities and prepare them. Learn Vocabulary words that start with z for kids.
Don’t get sidetracked.
Your kids are already enough of a distraction like this. If you can, lock herself in a quiet leeway and avoid procrastinating on social media, for example. For example, you can install applications on your phone that prevent you from visiting Facebook or Twitter during office hours. You can also plan for half an hour of tidying up or chores a day to avoid constantly having to get up to go and tidy up such and such a thing.