Top 7 fruits for weight loss

Fruits are naturally available snacks packed with vitamins, fibre and other nutrients that support healthy eating. Fruit in general is also low in calories and high in fibre, which can help you lose weight. Dieticians and many other healthcare professionals are designing diet charts or schedules in such a way that fruit consumption. This further helps in reducing body weight and mitigating the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, and heart disease.
Here are the 7 best fruits to eat to lose weight.
Grapefruit is an amazing fruit which is again known for aiding weight loss. It is made from a combination of pomello and orange. Half a grapefruit has only 39 calories but provides 65% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDA) of vitamin C. The red varieties also provide 28% of the RDA of vitamin A. Additionally, grapefruit has a glycemic index (GI) ) is low, which means it releases sugar into the bloodstream more slowly. It is observed that a low calorie diet not only promotes weight loss but also helps in maintaining the weight. In a study of 85 obese people, eating grapefruit or drinking grapefruit juice before meals for 12 weeks resulted in a reduction in calorie intake, a 7.1% increase in body weight, and improvements in heart rate and cholesterol. . Although grapefruit can be eaten on its own, it is also a great addition to salads and other dishes.
Apples are low in calories and high in fibre, with 116 calories and 5 grams of fibre per large fruit (223 grams). They have also been found to aid in weight loss. In one study, women were given three apples, three pears, or three oat crackers — with the same caloric value — every day for 10 weeks. The women group who consumed apples lost more than 2 pounds whereas those who ate pears lost around 1.6 pounds. On the other hand, the oat cracker group’s weight didn’t show any change. Since low-calorie fruits like apples keep you fuller longer, you can eat less other foods during the day. Notably, an apple has almost three times as many nutritional values as a chocolate bar.
Berries are a low-calorie source of nutrients. For example, 1/2 cup (7 grams) of blueberries has only 2 calories but provides 12% of the RDA for vitamin C and manganese, as well as 18% for vitamin K. In addition, eating berries can help lower cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, and reduce inflammation, which is especially helpful for people who are overweight. Fresh or frozen berries can be added to cereal or yoghurt for breakfast, mixed into healthy smoothies, mixed into pies or mixed into salads.
Stone fruit
Stone fruit, also known as fruit, is a group of seasonal fruits with fleshy outer skin and perforated inside. The fruits falling in this category are peaches, nectarines, cherries, apricots and plum. Fruits are low in GI, offer lower calories and are densely packed with vitamins such as C and A, thus making it the perfect source for losing weight.
Kiwi fruit
Kiwi is a small, brown coloured fruit from the exterior and bright green or yellow flesh in the interior with small black edible seeds. Kiwifruit is rich in nutrients, is an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin E, folic acid and fibre, and has important health benefits. In one study, 1 person with prediabetes ate two golden kiwis daily for 12 weeks. They found that there were higher levels of vitamin C, reduction in blood pressure, and a 1.2 inch (3.1 cm) of size reduction from waist circumference. Additional studies note that kiwi may help control blood sugar, improve cholesterol, and support gut health — all additional weight loss benefits. Kiwis have a low GI, so even though they contain sugar, it’s released more slowly, resulting in a smaller blood sugar spike. Kiwi is soft, sweet at times tangy too, yet delicious when eaten raw whether peeled or unpeeled. You can also make juice out of it or use in salads, or add to your morning cereal, or used in baking also.
Melons are low in calories and high in water content, which is very helpful for weight loss. One bowl of melons, weighing roughly 150-160 pounds provides around 6 to 61 calories.
Although low in calories, melons are high in fibre, potassium, and antioxidants, such as vitamin C, beta-carotene, and lycopene. Also, consuming fruits with high water content can help you lose extra pounds. But, eating watermelon in moderation is also necessary, since it has high GI which hampers your calorie intake. Melons can be enjoyed fresh, cubed or balled to enliven fruit salads. You can also blend it into fruit smoothies or may deep freeze the smoothie to consume it as ice-cream.
When trying to lose weight, some people avoid eating bananas due to their high sugar and calorie content. Although bananas are higher in calories than many other fruits, they also contain more nutrients, providing potassium, magnesium, manganese, fibre, many antioxidants, and vitamins A, B6 and C. A low to moderate GI can help with insulin control and weight regulation – especially for people with diabetes. High-quality, nutrient-dense, low-calorie foods like bananas are essential to any healthy weight loss plan. Bananas can be enjoyed alone as a convenient on-the-go snack or added raw or cooked to a variety of dishes.
Fruit is an essential part of a healthy diet and can aid in weight loss. Most fruits are low in calories but rich in nutrients and fibre, which can increase your feeling of fullness. Remember that eating whole fruit is better than eating juice. Also, eating only fruit is not the key to weight loss. You should also try to eat a healthy, whole food diet along with physical activity.