AYUSH License applicants who won’t get the license

AYUSH businesses or the business that deal with alternative medicines is booming in India. As a result, there are many who are coming out of their homes, bringing their grandma’s solutions to help you deal with your ailments. Unfortunately, none of them would get the license – the authorization to start an AYUSH business in India.
But are these the only one? Definitely not. There are many who think that they have what it takes to become AYUSH company, but they don’t.
Thus, consider this article as an eye opener. These are the types of AYUSH license applicants who won’t get the license.
Applicants that are cooking up remedies at home
“Make in India” and “Reviving the ancient ways” are the two mantras of the current entrepreneurs. However, what they fail to understand is that basic business infrastructural requirements are still there. You can’t just peddle your grandma’s version of herbal tea or other special home-made condiments and get this license for them. Many times, we have received calls from people who are literally cooking jaggery – solidified and boiled cane sugar – hoping to get an AYUSH license for that. Such applicants don’t get the license.
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Applicants with no background in AYUSH education
AYUSH is an acronym of Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, Homeopathy and Naturopathy. Needless to say, to pursue any of the above profession, you need to be adept at them, which requires education and training. However, there are many who might have the right intentions, but don’t possess the right qualification. Such applicants aren’t entertained by the AYUSH ministry. In fact, most of the applications that the ministry rejects are from those who don’t possess the right qualification to run an AYUSH business.
Applicants who only sell AYUSH medicines, but don’t manufacture it
If you’re an AYUSH applicant who only sells the medication through your shop, you’re neither qualified for the AYUSH license, nor in need of it. An AYUSH license is issued exclusively to those who wish to manufacture AYUSH products, no one else.
Applicants who don’t have an AYUSH facility for ayush license
Having an adequate manufacturing facility is one of the crucial criteria to obtain the license. If you don’t possess it, ministry won’t entertain your application. When we say manufacturing facility, we imply a factory. It should have the machinery, the storage space and everything else that can make it a production unit. If you’re merely manufacturing medicine from the roof of your home, the ministry won’t recognize you as an applicant.
Applicants who are yet to have a Standard Operating Procedure
Site Plan, Key Plan and an Standard Operating procedure. These are the three details you need to provide to the AYUSH ministry when applying for the AYUSH license. The Standard Operating Procedure describes the conventional – general – way your facility operates. If you haven’t setup such a procedure, you’re not ready to get the license.
When you ask the question: how to get AYUSH license, the answer you get is to obtain AYUSH manufacturing license. If you’re a only a trader, or just someone seeking to sell home-made remedies online, ministry won’t entertain your application. But if you are indeed a manufacturer seeking the license to manufacture and distribute or sell AYUSH products, contact Registrationwala.
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There are many who seek this license, but not all can obtain it. Here are the AYUSH license applicants who won’t get the license from the AYUSH ministry.